Thursday, December 19, 2013

Miami to Bahamas

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Today we are anchored south of Black Point and White Point off on Great Guana Cay.  Here is the story since we left our anchorage in North Miami (near Oletta Park and FIU).  On Saturday, December 14th we hoisted the anchor. However, before we did this, we acquired local knowledge of the ICW channel across from Baker’s Haulover Inlet (since there is significant shoaling and we already went aground there!)  Since we subscribe to Sea Tow (the equivalent of AAA), we called them.  They actually had a boat stationed right outside of our anchorage as this is a popular place to hit bottom.  The guy from Sea Tow was kind enough to came right into the anchorage. He showed us on an alternate route how to the leave the anchorage avoiding the Baker’s Haulover canal shoaling and get us back into the ICW.   We followed his instructions exactly and had no problem. 

Our plan was stop at a Marina to get fuel, water and a pump out, and then to an anchorage that would leave us in a good position to head out and across the Gulf Stream into the Bahamas.  We actually contemplated staying at a marina for the night.  However, we ventured into the anchorage at the Venetian Causeway Bridge, which Steve had anchored at on a previous boat delivery trip.  We were so happy to be there when we realized that there was a boat Christmas Parade of at least 100 boats passing 50 feet in front of our bow all decorated and blasting cool music.  There was also an awesome fireworks display following the parade.  It was a great, unexpected surprise.  If we stayed at the Marina, we would’ve missed it all! 

In the morning we headed back down the ICW, past Government Cut (GT) to Fisherman’s Channel, since we couldn’t go out GT with the cruise ships that were docked there.  Once outside of Miami, we lifted the sails and cut the engine.  We had an awesome sail all day crossing the Gulf Stream, passing North Riding Rock (North of Bimini) and into the Bahamas’ Banks.  After sunset, the wind shifted and fell off as squalls formed to the north of us while a cold front was passing.  We watched lightening creeping up on us, but managed to stay ahead of it. At around 10:00 p.m., we started the engine and motored sailed through the night.   Michele took the first watch, until 1:30 a.m.  Then she woke up Steve when she thought a squall was coming at us.  The squall didn't manage to hit us though, thank goodness.  We were in radio range of several other sailboats as we crossed the Banks.  Along with us, most boats decided to go straight through the banks and onto Nassau.   As we were nearing Nassau, we started hearing radio transmissions from Sam-the-Skull (John and Barbara Anderson) that we knew from Titusville.  After contacting them, we opted to follow the same route as them, staying on the outside of Nassau Harbor, past Rose Island and into the Yellow Banks towards Norman’s Cay.  However, instead of entering Norman’s Cay in the dark, we decided to stay with John and Barbara and another catamaran Pura Vita, and head towards Shroud Cay with a more straightforward entrance in the dark.   As the sun was setting in the west, the moon (which was full) was rising in the east.  It was quite a site.  After anchoring and admiring the full moon with a small glass of wine, we had an awesome night sleep - since we each only had 4 hours sleep. 

The next morning, today, Tuesday, December 17, 2013 we headed out of Shroud Cay at 9:15 a.m.  We motor sailed all day past Cambridge Cay, Warderick Wells, Staniel Cay and Black Point – all places where we stopped on our last cruising trip.  We are anchored just south of White Point on Big Guana.  Our plan is to head out early to reach George Town on Great Exuma Island.  John Ray is now officially the most south she’s been since we’ve had her!

Enjoy!  Miss you all xoxo

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