The parts have all been ordered to fix the triducer which keeps track of our depth and hull speed. We are also ready to have the transmission leak fixed. The boat gets hauled out on Monday at noon (Michele's birthday - oh what fun). I hear there's a cute tiki bar right next to the boat yard though. Also, Maya and Fynn (the Murray kids) are looking forward to having cake and ice cream with us. So other than boat work and doing errands - shopping, laundry, taxes, etc. - there's really not much else to report.
The weather has been very windy and sometimes cold, sometimes a little more mild. Since being back in the States though, it really feels like our trip is coming to a close - even though we're still 1500 miles from home (at 5 knts/hour that's only 300 hours left of travelling). We could be home in 12 1/2 days if we went straight through :) !
Oh yes, we did go to the Episcopal Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea on Sunday morning. On Friday evening, we attended a happy hour at the Palm Beach Sailing Club (wher
e we joined for a week for use of their dinghy dock and showers). When we inquired about where the church was, we were hooked up with the Commodore's husband who happens to be a deacon there. Clay picked us up on Sunday morning and brought us to mass while also giving us some history of the church. Donald Trump was married there and still attends service there a couple of times a year. Everyone was dressed up in suits as going to church on a Sunday morning on "The Island" is very hoiytie toitie. So even though we were dressed in our boat Sunday best, we were still a little conspicuous. His wife, Commodore Jackie, brought us back to the club after we attended a forum and breakfast after mass.
So not sure what we'll do for the next 4 days while waiting to be hauled out. Guess we could see if there's somewhere to go diving around here and other places we could explore. We'll have to check with the Murrays as this is their home base.
I will send out more pictures to view soon. If you haven't done so already, there is a link in the Warderick Wells blog to many pictures that I've posted, but didn't send out an email about. Hope all is well at home.
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