Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mt. Desert Island, ME

After leaving Cranberry Island, we headed over to Northeast Harbor on Mt. Desert Island. Even though it was only 3 or 4 miles, it took well over an hour trying to sail there without the engine and very light winds. You see, we got this new engine back in May, but it seems to have a slight problem. There is water coming in! Long story short, a set screw came out of a drain plug and we can't seem to find the right size to replace it. So whenever we run the engine, we take in water which really isn't such a good thing. We stayed at Northeast Harbor on a mooring for one night. While we were there, we took the free LLBean free bus to Bah Habah. Neither of us had been there before so it was a very nice take.

The next day, we sailed up Somes Sound, the only natural fjord in the contiguous United States. A fjord is a long, narrow inlet with steep sides, created in a valley carved by glacial activity. Alaska is the only other state that has one. Anyway, we have been here at Somes Sound since Sunday. We are planning to stay here another night as we are still trying to fix the engine.

We have been taking in the scenes of Somes Sound and Southwest Harbor since we've been here. Ray and Helen from Rigamarole will be joining us tonight for dinner as they just left Northeast Harbor. Nothing else is new. The time is going by very fast though. The end of our cruising is getting close!

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