We arrived in Hampton around 4:00 p.m. last evening and anchored in the Hampton River at approximately 5:00 p.m. We sailed most of the day with 5 to 20 knot winds.
They were light in the morning and picked up in the afternoon. We left Deltaville at around 8:00 a.m. with at whopping 55 degrees. It was quite chilly – as you can see from this picture! (I didn't sign up for this.) Gradually it warmed up a little, but the cockpit never really had direct sun because of the tack we were on. The headsail blocked it for most of the morning. Sitting behind the dodger kept most of the wind out though.
It was a 45 mile jaunt which made us put in another full day’s work. Whew! We’re not used to this 9 to 5 stuff. We'll need to take the rest of the week off. Luckily, we’ll be staying here for about a week. Chris and Veronica Papile agreed to be our mail stop, so we’ll be picking up our mail when we go over their house for dinner Thursday evening. They also offered us the use of a car which will be great as we need to re-provision before heading into the real ICW and the Dismal Swamp.
Today we will go ashore and check out the area. We have to go to West Marine to pick up a new motor for the shower sump – which was on the fritz but finally stopped working altogether yesterday. Luckily we got our showers in before we knew the sump wasn’t working. No big deal anyway, as the water just overflows into the bilge and then can be drained from there. Taking a shower ashore is only $1 at the marina across the way so that will do in a pinch.
This morning the cabin was a chilly 56 degrees until Michele made cornbread and Steve cooked breakfast. At 11:00 a.m. it is now a balmy 68 degrees. The Globe says it was below freezing in Boston last night though. So we don’t feel so bad.
We’ll post again in a couple of days. Feel free to leave us your comments (even just to say hi). It’s nice to know that people are actually reading our blog. We miss everyone at home. Hope all is well.
Also, if you haven’t seen the photo albums and would like to be included in the invitations from Snapfish, send Michele an email at mpapile@papile.net.
It was a 45 mile jaunt which made us put in another full day’s work. Whew! We’re not used to this 9 to 5 stuff. We'll need to take the rest of the week off. Luckily, we’ll be staying here for about a week. Chris and Veronica Papile agreed to be our mail stop, so we’ll be picking up our mail when we go over their house for dinner Thursday evening. They also offered us the use of a car which will be great as we need to re-provision before heading into the real ICW and the Dismal Swamp.
Today we will go ashore and check out the area. We have to go to West Marine to pick up a new motor for the shower sump – which was on the fritz but finally stopped working altogether yesterday. Luckily we got our showers in before we knew the sump wasn’t working. No big deal anyway, as the water just overflows into the bilge and then can be drained from there. Taking a shower ashore is only $1 at the marina across the way so that will do in a pinch.
This morning the cabin was a chilly 56 degrees until Michele made cornbread and Steve cooked breakfast. At 11:00 a.m. it is now a balmy 68 degrees. The Globe says it was below freezing in Boston last night though. So we don’t feel so bad.
We’ll post again in a couple of days. Feel free to leave us your comments (even just to say hi). It’s nice to know that people are actually reading our blog. We miss everyone at home. Hope all is well.
Also, if you haven’t seen the photo albums and would like to be included in the invitations from Snapfish, send Michele an email at mpapile@papile.net.
Let us know what you think (or lie if you have to :)!
Hope it gets warmer soon! Yes, it was quite chilly here and is damp and rainy. Enjoy your week.
Michele, lovely picture! But, do I feel bad, not! While you and Jenni are nice and toasty from January on, I will be freezing. Sounds like you had a couple of great runs the past two jaunts. Keep up the good work.
hi steve and michele
a little cold michele things sound great on the ocean pictures are great keeping up with the blog and the map
so i know where you are glad all is well warm weather will be coming soon while we freeze say hello to chris and veronica miss you both and happy sailing
your sister
Hi, I have been reading your blog,and am enjoying it. I will keep it for our trip next year. Dave and I are ok, planning to visit family and friends this winter. Take care and I am looking forward to your description of the Dismal Swamp.
Barbara Frost
Sorry for not keeping up with your blogs. I was embarassed when you called and didn't know where you were. Yeah the weather here is getting chilly, down in the 30's and 40's at night.
I'm sure you were disappointed as we were about the Red Sox. Oh well it happens. Now the Philly's are up 1 game. It's nice you get to visit with relatives. How far away are they from where your anchored. Well enjoy your visit and I promise to keep up with your news.
So How's it going on your visit with relatives? Your guys really have it tough. It must be a relief to gey away from that hard task of sailing and visiting different places. Weather here has been mild the past few days, in the 60's. Patriots won yesterday and the Philly's are up 3-1 on tampa Bay. Beth and Tom have set up their garage as a huanted house again and the kids are having a blast getting scared.Nothing much more to tell you about here. Mom sends her love and will be sending you some small talk soon.
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