. . . and we’re still here in Hampton. We may leave today just to head over to Norfolk - the entrance to the ICW. But since it is only an hour trip (5 miles), we don’t have to rush.
So, let me summarize our stay here if I can. The first two days, we just explored downtown Hampton while taking in a shower and doing laundry. We checked out the History Museum, Hampton University, and the Education Resource Center at the Air and Space Museum while doing our chores.
On Friday, we took in the Air and Space Museum which was an amazing take. We even did a simulation of a jet flight, but Michele couldn’t hack the rolls and turns so Steve had to lay off the 360’s. We also took in an Imax movie while at the museum. It was a great time.
Saturday was a somewhat long dinghy ride to Sunset Creek with a short walk to the grocery store. Our stores were running very low so we had to pick up quite a few groceries. Saturday afternoon/evening, Chris and Veronica came to the boat for some wine and cheese and then they took us out to an amazing restaurant for dinner. We were out until almost midnight (the real midnight 12:00 a.m. – not the cruiser’s midnight 9:00 p.m.)
Sunday morning, Steve and I went to the historic St. John’s Episcople Church for the 10:30 service. Veronica picked us up and took us to Colonial Williamsburg. It was a beautiful, sunny
day and the leaves turning just made the scene even more spectacular. There were drum and fife parades, bonfires, cannons, and plenty of other entertainment. After walking around and checking it out for a while, Chris joined us for lunch and then we hung out in one of the Old Town Taverns, complete with live entertainment (music from old instruments we didn’t recognize and magic shows). Another great day. This time, we got back to the dock after dark, but before cruiser’s midnight. We will miss Chris and Veronica; 
So, let me summarize our stay here if I can. The first two days, we just explored downtown Hampton while taking in a shower and doing laundry. We checked out the History Museum, Hampton University, and the Education Resource Center at the Air and Space Museum while doing our chores.
On Friday, we took in the Air and Space Museum which was an amazing take. We even did a simulation of a jet flight, but Michele couldn’t hack the rolls and turns so Steve had to lay off the 360’s. We also took in an Imax movie while at the museum. It was a great time.
Saturday was a somewhat long dinghy ride to Sunset Creek with a short walk to the grocery store. Our stores were running very low so we had to pick up quite a few groceries. Saturday afternoon/evening, Chris and Veronica came to the boat for some wine and cheese and then they took us out to an amazing restaurant for dinner. We were out until almost midnight (the real midnight 12:00 a.m. – not the cruiser’s midnight 9:00 p.m.)
Sunday morning, Steve and I went to the historic St. John’s Episcople Church for the 10:30 service. Veronica picked us up and took us to Colonial Williamsburg. It was a beautiful, sunny
they’ve been great to us. We hope they will come to the Bahamas and visit us while we’re there, but we will definitely make this a stop on the way back up North in the spring.
However, we then visited with some other folks that we met in RI two years ago. Another small world story… A couple of days ago, Rich and Carol pulled into the Hampton Public Piers where we dinghy to shore every day. Steve and I were messing around with the dinghy – filling up the floor and the tubes as the cold air seemed to have compressed. We started chatting with Rich and realized that he looked familiar. He asked what boat we were on and when we told him the Island Packet, he mentioned he used to have an IP. We knew immediately who they were because two years ago when they were selling their IP380 to buy a Cat in Narragansett, RI. Steve and I looked at their boat. We loved it and wanted to buy it. (Michele really wanted to buy it, but Steve thought we should probably sell the house before splurging on a 380). For the next two years, we kept saying, “We should’ve bought Rich’s boat.”
Anyway, I’ll try to upload the pictures from this stop shortly. They are definitely worth checking out!
Anyway, I’ll try to upload the pictures from this stop shortly. They are definitely worth checking out!
Wow~! Life is just such a party for some while the rest of us have to work! You sure sound like you are having a wonderful time and once again, we are so happy for you. Who knows, maybe the next time?? you do this, Bill will be feeling good enough to try it also.
Whoops, I meant to add that Carl is probably jealous as I am sure he would have love the jet flight simulator.
How far south are you going before you jump to the Bahamas? I'm jealous of that as I luv the colour of the water there.
Sounds like you are having a blast and Pat won't talk to either of us come January!
Carl and Steve would have had a blast together in the sim. Maybe Steve will go to Space Camp next time with Carl. Be careful on that 'long' boat ride!! heehee
Again I'm envious of your adventureand wish you a happy voyage.you should staret getting into some warmer weather. The air and space museum sounds great. Anyway keep the adventure going safe and sound. Mom will write soon.
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