It looks like we're here through the weekend! Jarrett's took off the prop and the stern tube to replace the cutless bearing. Yes, now I know what these things are, how exciting! Steve bought a new prop and decided to also replace the prop shaft. We will have a whole new drive train by the end of this stay. We're hoping the prop shaft will come out without taking lifting the boat to take the rudder off. So that's where we stand now. (stern tube coming off the prop shaft [cutless bearing inside the stern tube] in case you were wondering.)
The staff at Jarrett's has been extremely nice to us. On Tuesday a staff member let us
take his truck to buy groceries. Tuesday was also that crazy weather day when it was sleeting, snowing, raining and then sunny and windy and freezing and then snowing and then raining, then sunny, etc. Michele's mood was also chaning as much as the weather that day tool. So, yesterday the office brought us a little electric heater so we didn't have to use all our propane to heat the cabin. It got down into the 20's last night too, so it was great to have heat. Another staff member let us borrow his car today so that we could go on a field trip to Morehead City. We went to Walmart bought our own heater and a few other supplies we needed. It is very maddening that we left our little electric heater at home. Who knew we'd be in cold weather this late into the season or that we'd be plugged in long enough to use one. We also refilled one of the empty propane tanks from turning on the oven so much for heat And of course, there's always the trip to West Marine.
Tomorrow, we are planning to go to dinner with friends of Pat's who used to be cruisers, but now are land locked in Beaufort. They are also inviting another sailboat couple that are docked in Beaufort. We're going out for Mexican food. Yeah Margaritas!
And so the saga continues. But it's all good. This work on the boat is something Steve planned to do anyway. It would have been nicer to do it all in Florida, but we'll get there soon enough! What else are we doing???? Nuthin' So what day is it today? (I never know what day it is, it's terrible :>.
Stay tuned....
Today is Thursday!!! So glad that Janet called, you will really like them. I know Steve will like Tom. Have a great dinner and hug Janet for me.
Glad at least that you are finding nice people and helpful marinas!!
You might find warmth in South Florida!!
hi steve and michele
well had my first day back to work in a long time boy i am exhausted
but it felt so good to be back in the working world i love the pictures thanks have a good thanksgiving i will miss you both
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