If you checked out our position, no, I didn't put in the wrong coordinates. We are on the hard at Jarrett's Bay Boat Yard, just north of Beauford, NC. The boat was hauled out this morning to do some repairs on the drive train. Not sure how long we'll be here, but one thing for sure is that we should have brought our electric heater. We will definitely have to purchase one! More updates will follow. North Carolina is becoming a difficult state for us to get through.
This is John Ray after a being hauled and having a bath :-). She was very dirty coming down the ICW.
Sorry I haven't been able to talk to you but i/ve been kinda busy with the real estate. Had to be at a closing for one of the homes that sold in the park ( i got paid for it )the I had a closing of my own for a house I sold in Marshfield. so I haven't really been checkinh your blog that much. Mom came home yesterday. they had a good time in Fl. Sorry to hear about your boat trouble. today is wed and your latest didn' say if you got underway or not. Hope the engine is fixed and you left for your next detination. will check a little more often. Good luck
No problem Jack, just keep raking in the do-ra-me!
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