Friday, October 10, 2008

Annapolis, MD

After Michele pouted for the night at Mill Creek, Steve conceded to go into Annapolis Harbor. Mill Creek was a beautiful anchorage, but I wanted some action! We headed out around 9:00 a.m and it only took about 45 minutes to get into Annapolis. We are anchored just south of the Naval Academy. It is not half as crazy as we expected it to be with the boat show and all. The anchorages are busy, but we have lots of room around us. The harbor was very calm last night and we slept quite well, but woke up early to the Navy Ships honking at around 7:00. We're usually up by then anyway, since we go to bed shortly after sunset. Except last night we were out partying on our friend's Leighia and Cameron's S/V Tranquility. Trudy and Dennis from Rapscallion II were also there along with a couple from Denmark and another couple from England. It was a great night. The Dutch and English couples were quite interesting. Both have traveled across the Atlantic and have been cruising the world for years. They've been to many, many countries and had lots of stories.

We also went ashore yesterday and walked all around Annapolis. It reminds me a lot of Newport with all the shops and restaurants. Finding a spot on the dinghy dock was quite challenging though. We were tied up three dinghys deep. We had to climb over everyone elses dinghy to get to the dock. The boat show was promising a new dock configuration today. We will see when we go ashore to the boat show this morning. We will be here for a couple of days (we think). Leighia (the social coordinator) wants to have a halloween party before everyone takes off. We'll see. Still a little early for the goblins.


Anonymous said...

Steve, and we always thought you were anti-social. I guess it just depends on the company!

Anonymous said...

Steve, and we always thought you were anti-social. I guess it just depends on the company!

Anonymous said...

I have'nt check yor log for a couple of days, but it seems your spending a lot of time where you are. Must be really interesting. don't go spending too much on a nw boat at the boat show. When do you plan on heading more south? The weather here is like early sep. Well the Red Sox took game 1, we're on our way to the world series. Mom is working today but she seds her love. Happy sailing.

Anonymous said...

Interesting, you are visiting the site your grandfather was satationed, seventy three years ago!!! Your aunt was born in Annapoiis. Hope you are filling up that journal :) It is delightful keeping up with your travels. Keep them coming. Hugs & Love Mom